Your local partner.
Committed to making lasting change in the community where we live. We are skilled, genuine and practical. We take pride in our ability to develop strong relationships, bringing an array of talents and services to each assignment. We offer strategic and tactical expertise, and have a reputation for helping local clients execute successful initiatives. Committed to collaborating with teams to create actions that make a difference, we are guided by our common values of Trust, Integrity, Respect and Humility.
Karin Niesczeri 
Karin is a Certified Coach and an experienced business leader who helps clients with a wide variety of programs and initiatives to implement change. She has led initiatives from advisory roles to strategic planning to change management and program management in a wide variety of industries both public and private sector. Karin specializes in business transformation initiatives with particular focus on Customer Experience and Stakeholder Engagement Strategies. Her solid grounding in project management, combined with her strong background in business transformation, change management and technology enablement, Karin provides a practical and balanced approach to any business challenge.
Jim Marshall 
Jim has led a wide variety of business-sponsored initiatives across a variety of sectors including finance, retail, academic and insurance. With over 20 years of practical experience leading programs and projects Jim is adept at helping organizations implement change, whether people, process, technology or all three. His ability to successfully lead and motivate diverse teams, and his ease at working with both staff and Executive, vendors and consultants, union and management staff is reflected in his successful track record for delivery.